
Current Color Trends — Sophisticated Gray

Current Color Trends — Sophisticated Gray

Out with the old … beige, cafe au lait, pale mocha, bone … favorite neutrals for the past decade, may give way to more sophisticated gray-based neutrals. So you might ask,… Read more ⇢
Three Home Safety Features You Should Keep Up To Date

Three Home Safety Features You Should Keep Up To Date

In the midst of all the summer activities, there are a few things you should add to your to-do list to keep you and your family safe in your home. Here… Read more ⇢
Monochromatic Decorating Ideas

Monochromatic Decorating Ideas

The use of a single color, or range of shades in a color gives your home a sophisticated designer appeal. Do you have to hire a designer to achieve the look?… Read more ⇢
Seven Small Home Benefits

Seven Small Home Benefits

You bought a starter home that gave you entre into the world of home ownership, but now, your requirements have changed … you’ve added a spouse or children, you’ve moved your… Read more ⇢
Is this Neighborhood Headed Up? Or Down?

Is this Neighborhood Headed Up? Or Down?

When searching for a home on a budget, you’ll often find great deals on the edge of up-and-coming neighborhoods. But how do you tell if a neighborhood is headed up? Or,… Read more ⇢
Loan Options with Low Downpayments

Loan Options with Low Downpayments

U.S. economists expect 2015 to be a strong year for housing. What this means to you is that more homes are selling and the supply of… Read more ⇢
Keeping Your House Show Ready

Keeping Your House Show Ready

Having your house on the market while you’re living in it can be a stressful time. You still have to live. The dog still puts muddy prints on… Read more ⇢
Relocating Made Simple

Relocating Made Simple

Okay, there’s really not a simple way to relocate … after all, you’re uprooting yourself, moving away from friends or family or both, leaving your comfort zone and launching… Read more ⇢
Your Home and Generational Home Buying Trends

Your Home and Generational Home Buying Trends

While your home is unique and a reflection of you and your lifestyle, when it comes to home buying, as with most things, societal trends are noted through at-large studies… Read more ⇢
Dress Up Your Home with a Costume Party

Dress Up Your Home with a Costume Party

Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s the perfect time to make plans for throwing the best costume party in your home. A costume party can be as simple… Read more ⇢
Smart Selling to Today’s Homebuyers

Smart Selling to Today’s Homebuyers

If you’re considering selling now that the housing market outlook is improving, take a few moments to consider how buyers have changed what they look for in the home buying process. Read more ⇢
What to Know about Your FHA Mortgage Insurance

What to Know about Your FHA Mortgage Insurance

An FHA mortgage is a loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration. The FHA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, insures loans so that lenders will… Read more ⇢
What to Know about Summer Lawn Care

What to Know about Summer Lawn Care

Lush greens and rolling verdant fairways stoke homeowner dreams of the perfect lawn. In most areas, July starts the season with the highest demand on the water supply. So maintaining those… Read more ⇢
Pesky, But Potentially Costly Home Maintenance

Pesky, But Potentially Costly Home Maintenance

If you’re new to home ownership, you may not be familiar with all of the responsibilities that are now yours. All of those things you used to call the super or… Read more ⇢
Preparing Your Home for Winter

Preparing Your Home for Winter

With November just around the corner, winter weather is on its way. Now is the time to get the jump on cold weather and winterize your home. Whether you are selling… Read more ⇢

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